An Adaptive Sliding Window Estimator for Positioning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using a Single Anchor


この課題に対処するために、状態、ノイズ共分散行列、空気抵抗を同時に推定する推定信頼性評価器を備えた適応スライディング ウィンドウ推定器を提案します。
次に、拡張カルマン フィルターが多次元測定を前処理し、履歴情報を継承するように設計されています。
二乗平均平方根誤差は 0.15 m に達し、最先端のアプローチを上回ります。


Localization using a single range anchor combined with onboard optical-inertial odometry offers a lightweight solution that provides multidimensional measurements for the positioning of unmanned aerial vehicles. Unfortunately, the performance of such lightweight sensors varies with the dynamic environment, and the fidelity of the dynamic model is also severely affected by environmental aerial flow. To address this challenge, we propose an adaptive sliding window estimator equipped with an estimation reliability evaluator, where the states, noise covariance matrices and aerial drag are estimated simultaneously. The aerial drag effects are first evaluated based on posterior states and covariance. Then, an augmented Kalman filter is designed to pre-process multidimensional measurements and inherit historical information. Subsequently, an inverse-Wishart smoother is employed to estimate posterior states and covariance matrices. To further suppress potential divergence, a reliability evaluator is devised to infer estimation errors. We further determine the fidelity of each sensor based on the error propagation. Extensive experiments are conducted in both standard and harsh environments, demonstrating the adaptability and robustness of the proposed method. The root mean square error reaches 0.15 m, outperforming the state-of-the-art approach.


著者 Kaiwen Xiong,Sijia Chen,Wei Dong
発行日 2025-01-13 09:53:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク