これらのアプローチの中でも、音声やオプティカル フローなどのモダリティを統合するマルチモーダル暴力検出は、大きな可能性を秘めています。
この方法では、局所的、一時的、およびあまり情報量の少ないモダリティ (オーディオやオプティカル フローなど) の意味論的特徴を、より情報量の多い RGB 意味論的特徴空間にまばらにマッピングします。
ベンチマーク データセットでの実験結果は、私たちの手法の有効性を示しており、XD-Violence データセットで 86.07% の平均精度 (AP) を達成しています。
私たちのコードは https://github.com/xjpp2016/MAVD で入手できます。
Weakly supervised violence detection refers to the technique of training models to identify violent segments in videos using only video-level labels. Among these approaches, multimodal violence detection, which integrates modalities such as audio and optical flow, holds great potential. Existing methods in this domain primarily focus on designing multimodal fusion models to address modality discrepancies. In contrast, we take a different approach; leveraging the inherent discrepancies across modalities in violence event representation to propose a novel multimodal semantic feature alignment method. This method sparsely maps the semantic features of local, transient, and less informative modalities ( such as audio and optical flow ) into the more informative RGB semantic feature space. Through an iterative process, the method identifies the suitable no-zero feature matching subspace and aligns the modality-specific event representations based on this subspace, enabling the full exploitation of information from all modalities during the subsequent modality fusion stage. Building on this, we design a new weakly supervised violence detection framework that consists of unimodal multiple-instance learning for extracting unimodal semantic features, multimodal alignment, multimodal fusion, and final detection. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, achieving an average precision (AP) of 86.07% on the XD-Violence dataset. Our code is available at https://github.com/xjpp2016/MAVD.
著者 | Wenping Jin,Li Zhu,Jing Sun |
発行日 | 2025-01-13 17:14:25+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google