A Unified Approach to Extract Interpretable Rules from Tree Ensembles via Integer Programming


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そのパフォーマンスは、解釈可能性の特性で知られる複数のデシジョン ツリーの予測を集約することで得られます。
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私たちの仕事の目的は、トレーニングされたツリー アンサンブルからルールの最適化されたリストを抽出し、完全なモデルの予測力のほとんどを維持した、凝縮された解釈可能なモデルをユーザーに提供することです。


Tree ensembles are very popular machine learning models, known for their effectiveness in supervised classification and regression tasks. Their performance derives from aggregating predictions of multiple decision trees, which are renowned for their interpretability properties. However, tree ensemble models do not reliably exhibit interpretable output. Our work aims to extract an optimized list of rules from a trained tree ensemble, providing the user with a condensed, interpretable model that retains most of the predictive power of the full model. Our approach consists of solving a set partitioning problem formulated through Integer Programming. The proposed method works with either tabular or time series data, for both classification and regression tasks, and its flexible formulation can include any arbitrary loss or regularization functions. Our extensive computational experiments offer statistically significant evidence that our method is competitive with other rule extraction methods in terms of predictive performance and fidelity towards the tree ensemble. Moreover, we empirically show that the proposed method effectively extracts interpretable rules from tree ensemble that are designed for time series data.


著者 Lorenzo Bonasera,Emilio Carrizosa
発行日 2025-01-13 16:58:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク