The explanation dialogues: an expert focus study to understand requirements towards explanations within the GDPR


Explainable AI (XAI) は、解釈不可能な機械学習モデルを理解する方法を提供します。
このギャップを埋めるために、私たちは欧州一般データ保護規則に特に焦点を当て、XAI に対する法律専門家と実務家の期待、推論、理解を明らかにするための専門家に焦点を当てた研究である説明対話を紹介します。
この調査はオンライン アンケートとフォローアップ インタビューで構成され、クレジット領域の使用例を中心にしています。
私たちは、根拠のある理論を使用して一連の階層的コードと相互接続されたコードの両方を抽出し、XAI に対する参加専門家の立場を提示します。
最後に、XAI 手法の開発者に対する一連の推奨事項と、議論の対象となる法的領域の兆候を示します。


Explainable AI (XAI) provides methods to understand non-interpretable machine learning models. However, we have little knowledge about what legal experts expect from these explanations, including their legal compliance with, and value against European Union legislation. To close this gap, we present the Explanation Dialogues, an expert focus study to uncover the expectations, reasoning, and understanding of legal experts and practitioners towards XAI, with a specific focus on the European General Data Protection Regulation. The study consists of an online questionnaire and follow-up interviews, and is centered around a use-case in the credit domain. We extract both a set of hierarchical and interconnected codes using grounded theory, and present the standpoints of the participating experts towards XAI. We find that the presented explanations are hard to understand and lack information, and discuss issues that can arise from the different interests of the data controller and subject. Finally, we present a set of recommendations for developers of XAI methods, and indications of legal areas of discussion. Among others, recommendations address the presentation, choice, and content of an explanation, technical risks as well as the end-user, while we provide legal pointers to the contestability of explanations, transparency thresholds, intellectual property rights as well as the relationship between involved parties.


著者 Laura State,Alejandra Bringas Colmenarejo,Andrea Beretta,Salvatore Ruggieri,Franco Turini,Stephanie Law
発行日 2025-01-09 15:50:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CY, cs.LG パーマリンク