A Statistical Theory of Contrastive Pre-training and Multimodal Generative AI


視覚と言語を組み合わせたシステムなど、マルチモーダルな生成 AI システムは、対照的な事前トレーニングに依存して、さまざまなモダリティにわたる表現を学習します。
これらの実際的な利点は広く認識されていますが、対照的な事前トレーニング フレームワークの厳密な理論的理解は依然として限られています。
数値シミュレーションはこれらの理論的発見を検証し、さまざまなマルチモーダル タスクにおける対照的に事前学習されたトランスフォーマーの強力な一般化パフォーマンスを実証します。


Multi-modal generative AI systems, such as those combining vision and language, rely on contrastive pre-training to learn representations across different modalities. While their practical benefits are widely acknowledged, a rigorous theoretical understanding of the contrastive pre-training framework remains limited. This paper develops a theoretical framework to explain the success of contrastive pre-training in downstream tasks, such as zero-shot classification, conditional diffusion models, and vision-language models. We introduce the concept of approximate sufficient statistics, a generalization of the classical sufficient statistics, and show that near-minimizers of the contrastive pre-training loss are approximately sufficient, making them adaptable to diverse downstream tasks. We further propose the Joint Generative Hierarchical Model for the joint distribution of images and text, showing that transformers can efficiently approximate relevant functions within this model via belief propagation. Building on this framework, we derive sample complexity guarantees for multi-modal learning based on contrastive pre-trained representations. Numerical simulations validate these theoretical findings, demonstrating the strong generalization performance of contrastively pre-trained transformers in various multi-modal tasks.


著者 Kazusato Oko,Licong Lin,Yuhang Cai,Song Mei
発行日 2025-01-08 17:47:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.ST, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク