Semantically Cohesive Word Grouping in Indian Languages


インドの言語の中でヒンディー語は最も膠着性が低い言語の 1 つであるため、単語グループ化から最も恩恵を受けることが期待されます。
我々は、単語をシャッフルすることで文を混乱させる内在的手法と、分解されたプロンプティングを使用した機械翻訳 (MT) のタスクにおける単語グループ化の重要性を検証する外部評価を使用して、提案の定量的評価を実行します。
私たちの実験と分析は、提案されたグループ化手法が構文構造に均一性をもたらし、基礎となる NLP タスクを支援することを示しています。


Indian languages are inflectional and agglutinative and typically follow clause-free word order. The structure of sentences across most major Indian languages are similar when their dependency parse trees are considered. While some differences in the parsing structure occur due to peculiarities of a language or its preferred natural way of conveying meaning, several apparent differences are simply due to the granularity of representation of the smallest semantic unit of processing in a sentence. The semantic unit is typically a word, typographically separated by whitespaces. A single whitespace-separated word in one language may correspond to a group of words in another. Hence, grouping of words based on semantics helps unify the parsing structure of parallel sentences across languages and, in the process, morphology. In this work, we propose word grouping as a major preprocessing step for any computational or linguistic processing of sentences for Indian languages. Among Indian languages, since Hindi is one of the least agglutinative, we expect it to benefit the most from word-grouping. Hence, in this paper, we focus on Hindi to study the effects of grouping. We perform quantitative assessment of our proposal with an intrinsic method that perturbs sentences by shuffling words as well as an extrinsic evaluation that verifies the importance of word grouping for the task of Machine Translation (MT) using decomposed prompting. We also qualitatively analyze certain aspects of the syntactic structure of sentences. Our experiments and analyses show that the proposed grouping technique brings uniformity in the syntactic structures, as well as aids underlying NLP tasks.


著者 N J Karthika,Adyasha Patra,Nagasai Saketh Naidu,Arnab Bhattacharya,Ganesh Ramakrishnan,Chaitali Dangarikar
発行日 2025-01-07 18:46:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク