ROLO-SLAM: Rotation-Optimized LiDAR-Only SLAM in Uneven Terrain with Ground Vehicle


LiDAR ベースの SLAM は、荒れた環境で位置特定ガイドを提供する効果的な方法の 1 つとして認識されています。
ただし、既製の LiDAR ベースの SLAM 手法では、平坦でない地形を通過するときに、姿勢推定の大幅なドリフト、特に垂直方向に関連する成分が発生します。
この記事では、Rotation-Optimized LiDAR-Only (ROLO) SLAM と呼ばれる、起伏の多い地形における地上車両の姿勢推定の精度を向上させる、LiDAR ベースの SLAM 手法について説明します。
幾何学的な位置合わせを組み込むことで、最適化定式化に動きの制約を導入し、LiDAR の移動の迅速かつ効果的な推定を強化します。
結果は、ROLO-SLAM が地上車両の姿勢推定に優れ、既存の最先端の LiDAR SLAM フレームワークを上回るパフォーマンスを示していることを示しています。


LiDAR-based SLAM is recognized as one effective method to offer localization guidance in rough environments. However, off-the-shelf LiDAR-based SLAM methods suffer from significant pose estimation drifts, particularly components relevant to the vertical direction, when passing to uneven terrains. This deficiency typically leads to a conspicuously distorted global map. In this article, a LiDAR-based SLAM method is presented to improve the accuracy of pose estimations for ground vehicles in rough terrains, which is termed Rotation-Optimized LiDAR-Only (ROLO) SLAM. The method exploits a forward location prediction to coarsely eliminate the location difference of consecutive scans, thereby enabling separate and accurate determination of the location and orientation at the front-end. Furthermore, we adopt a parallel-capable spatial voxelization for correspondence-matching. We develop a spherical alignment-guided rotation registration within each voxel to estimate the rotation of vehicle. By incorporating geometric alignment, we introduce the motion constraint into the optimization formulation to enhance the rapid and effective estimation of LiDAR’s translation. Subsequently, we extract several keyframes to construct the submap and exploit an alignment from the current scan to the submap for precise pose estimation. Meanwhile, a global-scale factor graph is established to aid in the reduction of cumulative errors. In various scenes, diverse experiments have been conducted to evaluate our method. The results demonstrate that ROLO-SLAM excels in pose estimation of ground vehicles and outperforms existing state-of-the-art LiDAR SLAM frameworks.


著者 Yinchuan Wang,Bin Ren,Xiang Zhang,Pengyu Wang,Chaoqun Wang,Rui Song,Yibin Li,Max Q. -H. Meng
発行日 2025-01-04 02:44:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク