The Role of Handling Attributive Nouns in Improving Chinese-To-English Machine Translation


省略された助詞 X (‘DE’) を手動で挿入します。
Penn Chinese Discourse Treebank のニュース記事タイトルでは、Hugging Face の中国語から英語への翻訳モデルを微調整するための対象を絞ったデータセットを開発し、特にこの重要な機能語の処理方法を改善しました。


Translating between languages with drastically different grammatical conventions poses challenges, not just for human interpreters but also for machine translation systems. In this work, we specifically target the translation challenges posed by attributive nouns in Chinese, which frequently cause ambiguities in English translation. By manually inserting the omitted particle X (‘DE’). In news article titles from the Penn Chinese Discourse Treebank, we developed a targeted dataset to fine-tune Hugging Face Chinese to English translation models, specifically improving how this critical function word is handled. This focused approach not only complements the broader strategies suggested by previous studies but also offers a practical enhancement by specifically addressing a common error type in Chinese-English translation.


著者 Lisa Wang,Adam Meyers,John E. Ortega,Rodolfo Zevallos
発行日 2025-01-02 17:27:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク