腰痛は、プライマリケア医に 2 番目に頻繁に報告される症状であり、人口の 50 ~ 80 パーセントが生涯で罹患しているため、腰痛に悩む患者が何度も CT および MRI スキャンに紹介され、その後、検査を受けます。
患者の CT スキャンは、軸方向の複数のスライスから統合されます。
私たちの手法は 3 つの深層学習モデルで構成されています。
この複合メソッドをマルチモデルグラフ集約 MMGA メソッドと呼びます。
この研究の新規性は 2 つあります。
まず、重要なスクリーニング作業として、腹部の副腎の病状など、まったく異なる一連の異常を検出するために、脊椎疾患の可能性のある患者から取得した脊椎の画像化に元々焦点を合わせて調整された CT スキャンを使用します。
2 番目に、他の臓器 (膵臓や腎臓など) や同様のアプリケーションに利用できる 3 つの深層学習モデルで構成される複雑なパイプライン アーキテクチャを構築しましたが、MRI などの他の種類のイメージングを使用します。
Low back pain is the symptom that is the second most frequently reported to primary care physicians, effecting 50 to 80 percent of the population in a lifetime, resulting in multiple referrals of patients suffering from back problems, to CT and MRI scans, which are then examined by radiologists. The radiologists examining these spinal scans naturally focus on spinal pathologies and might miss other types of abnormalities, and in particular, abdominal ones, such as malignancies. Nevertheless, the patients whose spine was scanned might as well have malignant and other abdominal pathologies. Thus, clinicians have suggested the need for computerized assistance and decision support in screening spinal scans for additional abnormalities. In the current study, We have addressed the important case of detecting suspicious lesions in the adrenal glands as an example for the overall methodology we have developed. A patient CT scan is integrated from multiple slices with an axial orientation. Our method determines whether a patient has an abnormal adrenal gland, and localises the abnormality if it exists. Our method is composed of three deep learning models; each model has a different task for achieving the final goal. We call our compound method the Multi Model Graph Aggregation MMGA method. The novelty in this study is twofold. First, the use, for an important screening task, of CT scans that are originally focused and tuned for imaging the spine, which were acquired from patients with potential spinal disorders, for detection of a totally different set of abnormalities such as abdominal Adrenal glands pathologies. Second, we have built a complex pipeline architecture composed from three deep learning models that can be utilized for other organs (such as the pancreas or the kidney), or for similar applications, but using other types of imaging, such as MRI.
著者 | Carmel Shabalin,Israel Shenkman,Ilan Shelef,Gal Ben-Arie,Alex Geftler,Yuval Shahar |
発行日 | 2025-01-01 06:54:06+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google