ただし、ジャンプ システムで観察されたパフォーマンスを、それに対応するホッピング システムに組み込むことは継続的な課題です。
現在までのところ、ホッピング ロボットは通常約 1 メートル、最大 1.63 メートルの高さで動作しますが、ジャンプ ロボットの高さは 30 メートルに達しています。
結果として得られるロボット (MultiMo-MHR) は 4 メートル ($\sim$2.4x 現在の最先端技術) を超えて飛び越えることができ、終端速度 ($\geq 30.7$ m) での衝撃に耐えるように設計されています。
Jumping and hopping locomotion are efficient means of traversing unstructured rugged terrain with the former being the focus of roboticists; a focus that has recently been changing. This focus has led to significant performance and understanding in jumping robots but with limited practical applications as they require significant time between jumps to store energy, thus relegating jumping to a secondary role in locomotion. Hopping locomotion, however, can preserve and transfer energy to subsequent hops without long energy storage periods. However, incorporating the performance observed in jumping systems into their hopping counterparts is an ongoing challenge. To date, hopping robots typically operate around 1 meter with a maximum of 1.63 m whereas jumping robots have reached heights of 30 m. This is due to the added design and control complexity inherent in developing a system able to input and store the necessary energy while withstanding the forces involved and managing the system’s state. Here we report hopping robot design principles for efficient, robust, high-specific energy, and high-energy input systems through analytical, simulation, and experimental results. The resulting robot (MultiMo-MHR) can hop over 4 meters ($\sim$2.4x the current state-of-the-art) and is designed to withstand impact at terminal velocity ($\geq 30.7$ m).
著者 | Samuel Burns,Matthew Woodward |
発行日 | 2024-12-30 21:14:31+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google