Hierarchical Banzhaf Interaction for General Video-Language Representation Learning


具体的には、階層的な観点からビデオ クリップとテキストの単語の間のきめ細かい対応をシミュレートする階層的 Banzhaf インタラクションを設計します。
さらに、Banzhaf Interaction 内の計算におけるバイアスを軽減するために、シングルモーダル コンポーネントとクロスモーダル コンポーネントの融合を通じて表現を再構築することを提案します。
さらに、元の構造を柔軟なエンコーダ/デコーダ フレームワークに拡張し、モデルがさまざまな下流タスクに適応できるようにします。


Multimodal representation learning, with contrastive learning, plays an important role in the artificial intelligence domain. As an important subfield, video-language representation learning focuses on learning representations using global semantic interactions between pre-defined video-text pairs. However, to enhance and refine such coarse-grained global interactions, more detailed interactions are necessary for fine-grained multimodal learning. In this study, we introduce a new approach that models video-text as game players using multivariate cooperative game theory to handle uncertainty during fine-grained semantic interactions with diverse granularity, flexible combination, and vague intensity. Specifically, we design the Hierarchical Banzhaf Interaction to simulate the fine-grained correspondence between video clips and textual words from hierarchical perspectives. Furthermore, to mitigate the bias in calculations within Banzhaf Interaction, we propose reconstructing the representation through a fusion of single-modal and cross-modal components. This reconstructed representation ensures fine granularity comparable to that of the single-modal representation, while also preserving the adaptive encoding characteristics of cross-modal representation. Additionally, we extend our original structure into a flexible encoder-decoder framework, enabling the model to adapt to various downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on commonly used text-video retrieval, video-question answering, and video captioning benchmarks, with superior performance, validate the effectiveness and generalization of our method.


著者 Peng Jin,Hao Li,Li Yuan,Shuicheng Yan,Jie Chen
発行日 2024-12-30 14:09:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク