Symbolic Approximations to Ricci-flat Metrics Via Extrinsic Symmetries of Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces


この論文では、フェルマー カラビ ヤウ n 倍のフラット メトリクスへの機械学習近似と、その新しい特性を発見するために 3 次元での 1 パラメーター変形の一部を分析します。
また、理論的結果をニューラル ネットワークに組み込んで、複数のカラビ-ヤウ多様体に対するリッチ曲率の最先端の低減を実現します。
最後に、ML モデルを蒸留して、ほぼゼロのスカラー曲率を持つカーラー計量の閉形式の式を初めて取得します。


Ever since Yau’s non-constructive existence proof of Ricci-flat metrics on Calabi-Yau manifolds, finding their explicit construction remains a major obstacle to development of both string theory and algebraic geometry. Recent computational approaches employ machine learning to create novel neural representations for approximating these metrics, offering high accuracy but limited interpretability. In this paper, we analyse machine learning approximations to flat metrics of Fermat Calabi-Yau n-folds and some of their one-parameter deformations in three dimensions in order to discover their new properties. We formalise cases in which the flat metric has more symmetries than the underlying manifold, and prove that these symmetries imply that the flat metric admits a surprisingly compact representation for certain choices of complex structure moduli. We show that such symmetries uniquely determine the flat metric on certain loci, for which we present an analytic form. We also incorporate our theoretical results into neural networks to achieve state-of-the-art reductions in Ricci curvature for multiple Calabi-Yau manifolds. We conclude by distilling the ML models to obtain for the first time closed form expressions for Kahler metrics with near-zero scalar curvature.


著者 Viktor Mirjanić,Challenger Mishra
発行日 2024-12-27 18:19:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, hep-th, math.AG, math.DG パーマリンク