Learning states enhanced knowledge tracing: Simulating the diversity in real-world learning process


ナレッジ トレーシング (KT) タスクは、過去のインタラクションに基づいて学習者の将来のパフォーマンスを予測することに重点を置いています。
以前のモデルには依然として 2 つの大きな制限があります。
これらの問題に対処するために、私たちは Learning State Enhanced Knowledge Tracing (LSKT) という新しい方法を提案します。
まず、項目応答理論 (IRT) パラダイムに触発されて、インタラクションにおける潜在的な差異をシミュレートするために、粗粒度ビューから詳細粒度ビューまでの 3 つの異なる埋め込み手法を設計し、それらの比較分析を実行しました。
4 つの現実世界のデータセットに関する実験結果は、私たちの LSKT メソッドが現在の最先端のメソッドよりも優れていることを示しています。


The Knowledge Tracing (KT) task focuses on predicting a learner’s future performance based on the historical interactions. The knowledge state plays a key role in learning process. However, considering that the knowledge state is influenced by various learning factors in the interaction process, such as the exercises similarities, responses reliability and the learner’s learning state. Previous models still face two major limitations. First, due to the exercises differences caused by various complex reasons and the unreliability of responses caused by guessing behavior, it is hard to locate the historical interaction which is most relevant to the current answered exercise. Second, the learning state is also a key factor to influence the knowledge state, which is always ignored by previous methods. To address these issues, we propose a new method named Learning State Enhanced Knowledge Tracing (LSKT). Firstly, to simulate the potential differences in interactions, inspired by Item Response Theory~(IRT) paradigm, we designed three different embedding methods ranging from coarse-grained to fine-grained views and conduct comparative analysis on them. Secondly, we design a learning state extraction module to capture the changing learning state during the learning process of the learner. In turn, with the help of the extracted learning state, a more detailed knowledge state could be captured. Experimental results on four real-world datasets show that our LSKT method outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods.


著者 Shanshan Wang,Xueying Zhang,Keyang Wang,Xun Yang,Xingyi Zhang
発行日 2024-12-27 09:41:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク