これらの問題に対処するために、我々は、事前学習されたマルチモーダル ネットワークのための新しいパラメーター効率的な方法である、証拠に基づくパラメーター効率的なプロンプティング (EPE-P) を提案します。
私たちの実験は、EPE-P が有効性と効率の両方の点で既存のプロンプトベースの方法よりも優れていることを示しています。
コードは https://github.com/Boris-Jobs/EPE-P_MLLMs-Robustness でリリースされています。
Missing modalities are a common challenge in real-world multimodal learning scenarios, occurring during both training and testing. Existing methods for managing missing modalities often require the design of separate prompts for each modality or missing case, leading to complex designs and a substantial increase in the number of parameters to be learned. As the number of modalities grows, these methods become increasingly inefficient due to parameter redundancy. To address these issues, we propose Evidence-based Parameter-Efficient Prompting (EPE-P), a novel and parameter-efficient method for pretrained multimodal networks. Our approach introduces a streamlined design that integrates prompting information across different modalities, reducing complexity and mitigating redundant parameters. Furthermore, we propose an Evidence-based Loss function to better handle the uncertainty associated with missing modalities, improving the model’s decision-making. Our experiments demonstrate that EPE-P outperforms existing prompting-based methods in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. The code is released at https://github.com/Boris-Jobs/EPE-P_MLLMs-Robustness.
著者 | Zhe Chen,Xun Lin,Yawen Cui,Zitong Yu |
発行日 | 2024-12-23 16:01:12+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google