Empathetic Response in Audio-Visual Conversations Using Emotion Preference Optimization and MambaCompressor


これらの問題に対処するために、私たちの研究では 2 つのアプローチを導入しています。まず、感情的嗜好最適化 (EPO) を採用して、正しい応答だけでなく、反感情的な応答 (文脈的には似ているが感情的に異なるもの) についてもチャットボットをトレーニングします。
次に、広範な会話履歴を効果的に圧縮して管理する MambaCompressor を導入し、時間とメモリの複雑さを大幅に軽減しながら、チャットボットのコンテキストの理解を向上させます。


Chatbot research is advancing with the growing importance of chatbots in fields that require human interactions, such as customer support and mental health care. Despite these advancements, chatbots still face significant challenges in understanding subtle nuances and managing long conversation histories. To address these issues, our study introduces a dual approach: firstly, we employ Emotional Preference Optimization (EPO) to train chatbots not only with correct responses but also with counter-emotional responses-those that are contextually similar but emotionally divergent. This training enables the model to discern fine nuance distinctions between correct and counter-emotional responses, thereby enhancing the quality of its responses. Secondly, we introduce MambaCompressor to effectively compress and manage extensive conversation histories, significantly reducing time and memory complexities while improving the chatbot’s contextual understanding. Our comprehensive experiments across multiple datasets demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing models in generating empathetic responses and efficiently managing lengthy dialogues.


著者 Yeonju Kim,Se Jin Park,Yong Man Ro
発行日 2024-12-23 13:44:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク