LEDA: Log-Euclidean Diffeomorphic Autoencoder for Efficient Statistical Analysis of Diffeomorphism


これらの制限に対処するために、私たちは対数ユークリッド微分同相オートエンコーダ (LEDA) を提案します。これは、連続する平方根を効率的に予測することで変形場の主対数を計算するように設計された革新的なフレームワークです。
LEDA は、微分同相群作用法則に従う線形化された潜在空間内で動作し、モデルの堅牢性と適用性を強化します。
OASIS-1 データセットを使用した広範な実験により、逆一貫性を維持しながら複雑な非線形変形を正確にモデリングおよび解析する LEDA の有効性が実証されました。


Image registration is a core task in computational anatomy that establishes correspondences between images. Invertible deformable registration, which computes a deformation field and handles complex, non-linear transformation, is essential for tracking anatomical variations, especially in neuroimaging applications where inter-subject differences and longitudinal changes are key. Analyzing the deformation fields is challenging due to their non-linearity, limiting statistical analysis. However, traditional approaches for analyzing deformation fields are computationally expensive, sensitive to initialization, and prone to numerical errors, especially when the deformation is far from the identity. To address these limitations, we propose the Log-Euclidean Diffeomorphic Autoencoder (LEDA), an innovative framework designed to compute the principal logarithm of deformation fields by efficiently predicting consecutive square roots. LEDA operates within a linearized latent space that adheres to the diffeomorphisms group action laws, enhancing our model’s robustness and applicability. We also introduce a loss function to enforce inverse consistency, ensuring accurate latent representations of deformation fields. Extensive experiments with the OASIS-1 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of LEDA in accurately modeling and analyzing complex non-linear deformations while maintaining inverse consistency. Additionally, we evaluate its ability to capture and incorporate clinical variables, enhancing its relevance for clinical applications.


著者 Krithika Iyer,Shireen Elhabian,Sarang Joshi
発行日 2024-12-20 18:26:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク