Landscape of AI safety concerns — A methodology to support safety assurance for AI-based autonomous systems


人工知能 (AI) は主要なテクノロジーとして台頭し、さまざまなアプリケーションの進歩を推進しています。
ただし、AI コンポーネントを組み込んだシステムの安全性を確保するという課題は重大です。
この論文では、この考えに基づいて、AI の安全性に関する懸念がないことを系統的に実証することで、AI ベースのシステムの安全性保証ケースの作成をサポートするように設計された、いわゆる AI 安全性懸念のランドスケープを提案します。


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a key technology, driving advancements across a range of applications. Its integration into modern autonomous systems requires assuring safety. However, the challenge of assuring safety in systems that incorporate AI components is substantial. The lack of concrete specifications, and also the complexity of both the operational environment and the system itself, leads to various aspects of uncertain behavior and complicates the derivation of convincing evidence for system safety. Nonetheless, scholars proposed to thoroughly analyze and mitigate AI-specific insufficiencies, so-called AI safety concerns, which yields essential evidence supporting a convincing assurance case. In this paper, we build upon this idea and propose the so-called Landscape of AI Safety Concerns, a novel methodology designed to support the creation of safety assurance cases for AI-based systems by systematically demonstrating the absence of AI safety concerns. The methodology’s application is illustrated through a case study involving a driverless regional train, demonstrating its practicality and effectiveness.


著者 Ronald Schnitzer,Lennart Kilian,Simon Roessner,Konstantinos Theodorou,Sonja Zillner
発行日 2024-12-18 16:38:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク