Lost in the Middle, and In-Between: Enhancing Language Models’ Ability to Reason Over Long Contexts in Multi-Hop QA


さらに、ナレッジ グラフのトリプル抽出と要約によって余分なドキュメント コンテンツを削減し、思考連鎖プロンプトを使用してモデルにより徹底的な推論を促すことで問題を軽減する手段を実験します。


Previous work finds that recent long-context language models fail to make equal use of information in the middle of their inputs, preferring pieces of information located at the tail ends which creates an undue bias in situations where we would like models to be equally capable of using different parts of the input. Thus far, the problem has mainly only been considered in settings with single pieces of critical information, leading us to question what happens when multiple necessary pieces of information are spread out over the inputs. Here, we demonstrate the effects of the ‘lost in the middle’ problem in the multi-hop question answering setting — in which multiple reasoning ‘hops’ over disconnected documents are required — and show that performance degrades not only with respect to the distance of information from the edges of the context, but also between pieces of information. Additionally, we experiment with means of alleviating the problem by reducing superfluous document contents through knowledge graph triple extraction and summarization, and prompting models to reason more thoroughly using chain-of-thought prompting.


著者 George Arthur Baker,Ankush Raut,Sagi Shaier,Lawrence E Hunter,Katharina von der Wense
発行日 2024-12-13 12:13:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク