Separation Power of Equivariant Neural Networks


この論文では、畳み込みネットワークや順列不変ネットワークなどの等変ニューラル ネットワークの分離能力を分析します。
この結果から、分離可能性がハイパーパラメータやアーキテクチャ上の選択 (活性化関数、深さ、隠れ層の幅、表現タイプなど) によってどのように影響されるかを導き出します。
特に、ReLU やシグモイドを含むすべての非多項式活性化は表現力において同等であり、最大の分離能力に達します。


The separation power of a machine learning model refers to its ability to distinguish between different inputs and is often used as a proxy for its expressivity. Indeed, knowing the separation power of a family of models is a necessary condition to obtain fine-grained universality results. In this paper, we analyze the separation power of equivariant neural networks, such as convolutional and permutation-invariant networks. We first present a complete characterization of inputs indistinguishable by models derived by a given architecture. From this results, we derive how separability is influenced by hyperparameters and architectural choices-such as activation functions, depth, hidden layer width, and representation types. Notably, all non-polynomial activations, including ReLU and sigmoid, are equivalent in expressivity and reach maximum separation power. Depth improves separation power up to a threshold, after which further increases have no effect. Adding invariant features to hidden representations does not impact separation power. Finally, block decomposition of hidden representations affects separability, with minimal components forming a hierarchy in separation power that provides a straightforward method for comparing the separation power of models.


著者 Marco Pacini,Xiaowen Dong,Bruno Lepri,Gabriele Santin
発行日 2024-12-10 13:03:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク