GCS*: Forward Heuristic Search on Implicit Graphs of Convex Sets


凸集合グラフ (GCS) 上の最短経路問題に対する大規模な陰的探索ベースの解決策を検討します。
我々は、A* 検索を GCS 設定に一般化する前方ヒューリスティック検索アルゴリズムである GCS* を提案します。GCS* では、グラフの各頂点で連続値の決定が行われ、グラフのエッジにわたる制約がこれらの決定を結び付け、コストと実現可能性に影響を与えます。
終端頂点全体にわたってコストが支配的なパスを枝刈りすることで、GCS* がコストの最適化と完全性を保証しながら効率的に検索できることを示します。
私たちは、接触モードの組み合わせ爆発により従来の方法が扱いにくくなる平面押しタスクで GCS* を実証し、最先端の方法と比較して有利に機能することを示しました。


We consider large-scale, implicit-search-based solutions to Shortest Path Problems on Graphs of Convex Sets (GCS). We propose GCS*, a forward heuristic search algorithm that generalizes A* search to the GCS setting, where a continuous-valued decision is made at each graph vertex, and constraints across graph edges couple these decisions, influencing costs and feasibility. Such mixed discrete-continuous planning is needed in many domains, including motion planning around obstacles and planning through contact. This setting provides a unique challenge for best-first search algorithms: the cost and feasibility of a path depend on continuous-valued points chosen along the entire path. We show that by pruning paths that are cost-dominated over their entire terminal vertex, GCS* can search efficiently while still guaranteeing cost-optimality and completeness. To find satisficing solutions quickly, we also present a complete but suboptimal variation, pruning instead reachability-dominated paths. We implement these checks using polyhedral-containment or sampling-based methods. The former implementation is complete and cost-optimal, while the latter is probabilistically complete and asymptotically cost-optimal and performs effectively even with minimal samples in practice. We demonstrate GCS* on planar pushing tasks where the combinatorial explosion of contact modes renders prior methods intractable and show it performs favorably compared to the state-of-the-art. Project website: https://shaoyuan.cc/research/gcs-star/


著者 Shao Yuan Chew Chia,Rebecca H. Jiang,Bernhard Paus Graesdal,Leslie Pack Kaelbling,Russ Tedrake
発行日 2024-12-09 19:06:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク