オブジェクト ジオメトリの 3D 表現の構築は、多くの下流のロボット工学タスク、特に卓上での操作の問題にとって重要です。
この研究では、単一の RGBD イメージ (通常はシーン内の固定カメラから) からマルチオブジェクト シーンを再構成する問題に焦点を当てます。
我々は、既存のメッシュ データセットを活用してロバストな確率的再構成中に有益な事前分布を構築する再構成手法である BRRP を提案します。
Constructing 3D representations of object geometry is critical for many downstream robotics tasks, particularly tabletop manipulation problems. These representations must be built from potentially noisy partial observations. In this work, we focus on the problem of reconstructing a multi-object scene from a single RGBD image, generally from a fixed camera in the scene. Traditional scene representation methods generally cannot infer the geometry of unobserved regions of the objects from the image. Attempts have been made to leverage deep learning to train on a dataset of observed objects and representations, and then generalize to new observations. However, this can be brittle to noisy real-world observations and objects not contained in the dataset, and cannot reason about their confidence. We propose BRRP, a reconstruction method that leverages preexisting mesh datasets to build an informative prior during robust probabilistic reconstruction. In order to make our method more efficient, we introduce the concept of retrieval-augmented prior, where we retrieve relevant components of our prior distribution during inference. The prior is used to estimate the geometry of occluded portions of the in-scene objects. Our method produces a distribution over object shape that can be used for reconstruction or measuring uncertainty. We evaluate our method in both simulated scenes and in the real world. We demonstrate the robustness of our method against deep learning-only approaches while being more accurate than a method without an informative prior.
著者 | Herbert Wright,Weiming Zhi,Matthew Johnson-Roberson,Tucker Hermans |
発行日 | 2024-12-08 01:04:18+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google