Probing the contents of semantic representations from text, behavior, and brain data using the psychNorms metabase


多くの場合、インターネットのテキストから得られますが、近年、行動ベース (自由連想など) や脳ベース (fMRI など) の表現の人気が高まっており、人間の表現を測定およびモデル化する能力の向上が期待されています。


Semantic representations are integral to natural language processing, psycholinguistics, and artificial intelligence. Although often derived from internet text, recent years have seen a rise in the popularity of behavior-based (e.g., free associations) and brain-based (e.g., fMRI) representations, which promise improvements in our ability to measure and model human representations. We carry out the first systematic evaluation of the similarities and differences between semantic representations derived from text, behavior, and brain data. Using representational similarity analysis, we show that word vectors derived from behavior and brain data encode information that differs from their text-derived cousins. Furthermore, drawing on our psychNorms metabase, alongside an interpretability method that we call representational content analysis, we find that, in particular, behavior representations capture unique variance on certain affective, agentic, and socio-moral dimensions. We thus establish behavior as an important complement to text for capturing human representations and behavior. These results are broadly relevant to research aimed at learning human-aligned semantic representations, including work on evaluating and aligning large language models.


著者 Zak Hussain,Rui Mata,Ben R. Newell,Dirk U. Wulff
発行日 2024-12-06 10:44:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク