Self-Improvement in Language Models: The Sharpening Mechanism


1 つは高品質のシーケンスに大きな重点を置き、それによって良好なシーケンスを生成するための高価な推論時間の計算を償却します。
まず、学習者がサンプル アクセスを通じて事前トレーニングされた基本ポリシーをシャープにし、基本的な制限を確立することを目的としたシャープ化のための新しい統計フレームワークを導入します。
次に、SFT と RLHF に基づいた自己改善アルゴリズムの 2 つの自然なファミリーを分析します。
(i) 初期モデルが十分なカバレッジを備えている場合、SFT ベースのアプローチはミニマックス最適ですが、(ii) RLHF ベースのアプローチは、オンライン探索を活用することでカバレッジの必要性を回避し、SFT ベースの自己改善を改善できることがわかりました。



Recent work in language modeling has raised the possibility of self-improvement, where a language models evaluates and refines its own generations to achieve higher performance without external feedback. It is impossible for this self-improvement to create information that is not already in the model, so why should we expect that this will lead to improved capabilities? We offer a new perspective on the capabilities of self-improvement through a lens we refer to as sharpening. Motivated by the observation that language models are often better at verifying response quality than they are at generating correct responses, we formalize self-improvement as using the model itself as a verifier during post-training in order to “sharpen” the model to one placing large mass on high-quality sequences, thereby amortizing the expensive inference-time computation of generating good sequences. We begin by introducing a new statistical framework for sharpening in which the learner aims to sharpen a pre-trained base policy via sample access, and establish fundamental limits. Then we analyze two natural families of self-improvement algorithms based on SFT and RLHF. We find that (i) the SFT-based approach is minimax optimal whenever the initial model has sufficient coverage, but (ii) the RLHF-based approach can improve over SFT-based self-improvement by leveraging online exploration, bypassing the need for coverage. Finally, we empirically validate the sharpening mechanism via inference-time and amortization experiments. We view these findings as a starting point toward a foundational understanding that can guide the design and evaluation of self-improvement algorithms.


著者 Audrey Huang,Adam Block,Dylan J. Foster,Dhruv Rohatgi,Cyril Zhang,Max Simchowitz,Jordan T. Ash,Akshay Krishnamurthy
発行日 2024-12-04 14:20:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク