Plug-and-Play Half-Quadratic Splitting for Ptychography




Ptychography is a coherent diffraction imaging method that uses phase retrieval techniques to reconstruct complex-valued images. It achieves this by sequentially illuminating overlapping regions of a sample with a coherent beam and recording the diffraction pattern. Although this addresses traditional imaging system challenges, it is computationally intensive and highly sensitive to noise, especially with reduced illumination overlap. Data-driven regularisation techniques have been applied in phase retrieval to improve reconstruction quality. In particular, plug-and-play (PnP) offers flexibility by integrating data-driven denoisers as implicit priors. In this work, we propose a half-quadratic splitting framework for using PnP and other data-driven priors for ptychography. We evaluate our method both on natural images and real test objects to validate its effectiveness for ptychographic image reconstruction.


著者 Alexander Denker,Johannes Hertrich,Zeljko Kereta,Silvia Cipiccia,Ecem Erin,Simon Arridge
発行日 2024-12-03 16:41:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: 94A08, cs.LG, eess.IV, I.4.5 パーマリンク