Evaluation of Multi-Scale Multiple Instance Learning to Improve Thyroid Cancer Classification


甲状腺がんは現在、女性で診断される悪性腫瘍の中で 5 番目に多いがんです。
この研究の貢献は、3 つの異なるパッチ解像度の特徴ベクトルを生成および結合し、それらを結合する 3 つの異なる方法を分析することにより、パッチ ベースの最先端の手法を拡張することです。
その結果、3 つのマルチスケール アプローチのうち 1 つでは改善が見られましたが、他のアプローチではスコアが低下しました。


Thyroid cancer is currently the fifth most common malignancy diagnosed in women. Since differentiation of cancer sub-types is important for treatment and current, manual methods are time consuming and subjective, automatic computer-aided differentiation of cancer types is crucial. Manual differentiation of thyroid cancer is based on tissue sections, analysed by pathologists using histological features. Due to the enormous size of gigapixel whole slide images, holistic classification using deep learning methods is not feasible. Patch based multiple instance learning approaches, combined with aggregations such as bag-of-words, is a common approach. This work’s contribution is to extend a patch based state-of-the-art method by generating and combining feature vectors of three different patch resolutions and analysing three distinct ways of combining them. The results showed improvements in one of the three multi-scale approaches, while the others led to decreased scores. This provides motivation for analysis and discussion of the individual approaches.


著者 Maximilian E. Tschuchnig,Philipp Grubmüller,Lea M. Stangassinger,Christina Kreutzer,Sébastien Couillard-Després,Gertie J. Oostingh,Anton Hittmair,Michael Gadermayr
発行日 2024-12-02 14:12:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, eess.IV パーマリンク