A Conditional Independence Test in the Presence of Discretization


条件付き独立性のテストには、ベイジアン ネットワーク学習や因果関係の発見など、多くの用途があります。
具体的には、$X_1$、$\tilde{X}_2$、$X_3$ が観測変数であると考えます。$\tilde{X}_2$ は潜在変数 $X_2$ の離散化です。
$X_1$、$\tilde{X}_2$、$X_3$ の観測値に既存のテスト手法を適用すると、変数 $X_1$、$X_2$、$X_3$ の基礎となる条件付き独立性について誤った結論が導かれる可能性があります。


Testing conditional independence has many applications, such as in Bayesian network learning and causal discovery. Different test methods have been proposed. However, existing methods generally can not work when only discretized observations are available. Specifically, consider $X_1$, $\tilde{X}_2$ and $X_3$ are observed variables, where $\tilde{X}_2$ is a discretization of latent variables $X_2$. Applying existing test methods to the observations of $X_1$, $\tilde{X}_2$ and $X_3$ can lead to a false conclusion about the underlying conditional independence of variables $X_1$, $X_2$ and $X_3$. Motivated by this, we propose a conditional independence test specifically designed to accommodate the presence of such discretization. To achieve this, we design the bridge equations to recover the parameter reflecting the statistical information of the underlying latent continuous variables. An appropriate test statistic and its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of conditional independence have also been derived. Both theoretical results and empirical validation have been provided, demonstrating the effectiveness of our test methods.


著者 Boyang Sun,Yu Yao,Huangyuan Hao,Yumou Qiu,Kun Zhang
発行日 2024-12-02 17:12:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク