A Unified Interaction Control Framework for Safe Robotic Ultrasound Scanning with Human-Intention-Aware Compliance


超音波スキャン ロボットは、人間とロボットのやり取りが頻繁に行われる環境で動作します。
超音波スキャンの既存の制御方法のほとんどは、1 つの特定の相互作用状況のみに対処するか、さまざまな状況に応じてコントローラー間にハード スイッチを実装するため、安全性と効率性の両方が損なわれます。
衝突が発生した場合でも、ヌル空間での衝突に準拠し、メイン タスク (スキャンが進行中の) への影響を運動学的かつ動的に軽減しようとする可能性があります。


The ultrasound scanning robot operates in environments where frequent human-robot interactions occur. Most existing control methods for ultrasound scanning address only one specific interaction situation or implement hard switches between controllers for different situations, which compromises both safety and efficiency. In this paper, we propose a unified interaction control framework for ultrasound scanning robots capable of handling all common interactions, distinguishing both human-intended and unintended types, and adapting with appropriate compliance. Specifically, the robot suspends or modulates its ongoing main task if the interaction is intended, e.g., when the doctor grasps the robot to lead the end effector actively. Furthermore, it can identify unintended interactions and avoid potential collision in the null space beforehand. Even if that collision has happened, it can become compliant with the collision in the null space and try to reduce its impact on the main task (where the scan is ongoing) kinematically and dynamically. The multiple situations are integrated into a unified controller with a smooth transition to deal with the interactions by exhibiting human-intention-aware compliance. Experimental results validate the framework’s ability to cope with all common interactions including intended intervention and unintended collision in a collaborative carotid artery ultrasound scanning task.


著者 Xiangjie Yan,Shaqi Luo,Yongpeng Jiang,Mingrui Yu,Chen Chen,Senqiang Zhu,Gao Huang,Shiji Song,Xiang Li
発行日 2024-11-29 08:43:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク