Hyperspectral and multispectral image fusion with arbitrary resolution through self-supervised representations


低解像度ハイパースペクトル画像 (LR-HSI) と高解像度マルチスペクトル画像 (HR-MSI) の融合は、HSI 超解像度 (SR) を達成するための効果的な技術として浮上しました。
ランクネスの低さは、さまざまな事前分布間の行列因数分解を通じて潜在的な HSI 特性を保存する点で際立っています。
この制限を克服するために、我々は 2 つのニューラル表現を行列因数分解に統合し、空間情報とスペクトル情報をそれぞれキャプチャすることにより、新しい連続低ランク因数分解 (CLoRF) を提案します。
コードは https://github.com/wangting1907/CLoRF-Fusion で入手できます。


The fusion of a low-resolution hyperspectral image (LR-HSI) with a high-resolution multispectral image (HR-MSI) has emerged as an effective technique for achieving HSI super-resolution (SR). Previous studies have mainly concentrated on estimating the posterior distribution of the latent high-resolution hyperspectral image (HR-HSI), leveraging an appropriate image prior and likelihood computed from the discrepancy between the latent HSI and observed images. Low rankness stands out for preserving latent HSI characteristics through matrix factorization among the various priors. However, the primary limitation in previous studies lies in the generalization of a fusion model with fixed resolution scales, which necessitates retraining whenever output resolutions are changed. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel continuous low-rank factorization (CLoRF) by integrating two neural representations into the matrix factorization, capturing spatial and spectral information, respectively. This approach enables us to harness both the low rankness from the matrix factorization and the continuity from neural representation in a self-supervised manner.Theoretically, we prove the low-rank property and Lipschitz continuity in the proposed continuous low-rank factorization. Experimentally, our method significantly surpasses existing techniques and achieves user-desired resolutions without the need for neural network retraining. Code is available at https://github.com/wangting1907/CLoRF-Fusion.


著者 Ting Wang,Zipei Yan,Jizhou Li,Xile Zhao,Chao Wang,Michael Ng
発行日 2024-11-25 14:24:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク