Is the Lecture Engaging for Learning? Lecture Voice Sentiment Analysis for Knowledge Graph-Supported Intelligent Lecturing Assistant (ILA) System


この文書では、ナレッジ グラフを利用してコースの内容と最適な教育戦略を表現するインテリジェント講義アシスタント (ILA) システムを紹介します。
初期調査として、3,000 を超える 1 分間の講義音声クリップで構成されるトレーニング セットを開発した、講義音声感情分析のケーススタディを紹介します。
結果は有望なパフォーマンスを示しており、800 を超えるテスト音声クリップの独立したセットで退屈な講義に対して 90% の F1 スコアを達成しました。


This paper introduces an intelligent lecturing assistant (ILA) system that utilizes a knowledge graph to represent course content and optimal pedagogical strategies. The system is designed to support instructors in enhancing student learning through real-time analysis of voice, content, and teaching methods. As an initial investigation, we present a case study on lecture voice sentiment analysis, in which we developed a training set comprising over 3,000 one-minute lecture voice clips. Each clip was manually labeled as either engaging or non-engaging. Utilizing this dataset, we constructed and evaluated several classification models based on a variety of features extracted from the voice clips. The results demonstrate promising performance, achieving an F1-score of 90% for boring lectures on an independent set of over 800 test voice clips. This case study lays the groundwork for the development of a more sophisticated model that will integrate content analysis and pedagogical practices. Our ultimate goal is to aid instructors in teaching more engagingly and effectively by leveraging modern artificial intelligence techniques.


著者 Yuan An,Samarth Kolanupaka,Jacob An,Matthew Ma,Unnat Chhatwal,Alex Kalinowski,Michelle Rogers,Brian Smith
発行日 2024-10-29 17:18:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク