OpenWebVoyager: Building Multimodal Web Agents via Iterative Real-World Exploration, Feedback and Optimization


大規模な言語モデルやマルチモーダル モデルの急速な開発により、GPT-4o などの独自モデルを使用して、Web ナビゲーションなどの現実世界のシナリオを処理できる自律エージェントを開発することに大きな関心が集まっています。
このペーパーでは、現実世界の探索を自律的に実行し、それ自体を改善できるマルチモーダル Web エージェントの開発を促進するように設計されたオープンソース フレームワークを紹介します。
実験結果は、Web エージェントが各反復後に正常に改善し、複数のテスト セットにわたって優れたパフォーマンスを示していることを示しています。


The rapid development of large language and multimodal models has sparked significant interest in using proprietary models, such as GPT-4o, to develop autonomous agents capable of handling real-world scenarios like web navigation. Although recent open-source efforts have tried to equip agents with the ability to explore environments and continuously improve over time, they are building text-only agents in synthetic environments where the reward signals are clearly defined. Such agents struggle to generalize to realistic settings that require multimodal perception abilities and lack ground-truth signals. In this paper, we introduce an open-source framework designed to facilitate the development of multimodal web agent that can autonomously conduct real-world exploration and improve itself. We first train the base model with imitation learning to gain the basic abilities. We then let the agent explore the open web and collect feedback on its trajectories. After that, it further improves its policy by learning from well-performing trajectories judged by another general-purpose model. This exploration-feedback-optimization cycle can continue for several iterations. Experimental results show that our web agent successfully improves itself after each iteration, demonstrating strong performance across multiple test sets.


著者 Hongliang He,Wenlin Yao,Kaixin Ma,Wenhao Yu,Hongming Zhang,Tianqing Fang,Zhenzhong Lan,Dong Yu
発行日 2024-10-25 15:01:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク