Disentangled Representation Learning with the Gromov-Monge Gap


このようなマップを計算するために、マップが最小限のジオメトリ歪みで参照分布を移動するかどうかを定量化する正則化装置である Gromov-Monge-Gap (GMG) を提案します。
私たちは、4 つの標準ベンチマークにわたってもつれを解くアプローチの有効性を実証し、幾何学的な考慮事項を活用した他の方法よりも優れたパフォーマンスを発揮します。


Learning disentangled representations from unlabelled data is a fundamental challenge in machine learning. Solving it may unlock other problems, such as generalization, interpretability, or fairness. Although remarkably challenging to solve in theory, disentanglement is often achieved in practice through prior matching. Furthermore, recent works have shown that prior matching approaches can be enhanced by leveraging geometrical considerations, e.g., by learning representations that preserve geometric features of the data, such as distances or angles between points. However, matching the prior while preserving geometric features is challenging, as a mapping that fully preserves these features while aligning the data distribution with the prior does not exist in general. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel approach to disentangled representation learning based on quadratic optimal transport. We formulate the problem using Gromov-Monge maps that transport one distribution onto another with minimal distortion of predefined geometric features, preserving them as much as can be achieved. To compute such maps, we propose the Gromov-Monge-Gap (GMG), a regularizer quantifying whether a map moves a reference distribution with minimal geometry distortion. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for disentanglement across four standard benchmarks, outperforming other methods leveraging geometric considerations.


著者 Théo Uscidda,Luca Eyring,Karsten Roth,Fabian Theis,Zeynep Akata,Marco Cuturi
発行日 2024-10-24 16:49:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク