Do We Need iPhone Moment or Xiaomi Moment for Robots? Design of Affordable Home Robots for Health Monitoring


この論文では、家庭の健康状態を監視するために設計された、費用対効果の高い家庭用ロボット ソリューションについて研究します。
最近の人工知能 (AI) の進歩により、ロボットの機能が大幅に向上し、ロボットが周囲の環境をより適切かつ効率的に理解し、対話できるようになりました。
もう 1 つのカテゴリは教育ロボットです。これは教育者にさまざまなセンサーを取り付け、さまざまな設計手法を統合オペレーティング システムと統合する柔軟性を提供します。


In this paper, we study cost-effective home robot solutions which are designed for home health monitoring. The recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have significantly advanced the capabilities of the robots, enabling them to better and efficiently understand and interact with their surroundings. The most common robots currently used in homes are toy robots and cleaning robots. While these are relatively affordable, their functionalities are very limited. On the other hand, humanoid and quadruped robots offer more sophisticated features and capabilities, albeit at a much higher cost. Another category is educational robots, which provide educators with the flexibility to attach various sensors and integrate different design methods with the integrated operating systems. However, the challenge still exists in bridging the gap between affordability and functionality. Our research aims to address this by exploring the potential of developing advanced yet affordable and accessible robots for home robots, aiming for health monitoring, by using edge computing techniques and taking advantage of existing computing resources for home robots, such as mobile phones.


著者 Bo Wei,Yaya Bian,Mingcen Gao
発行日 2024-09-25 10:37:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク