Representing Positional Information in Generative World Models for Object Manipulation


ワールド モデルベースのエージェントがオブジェクトの位置決めタスクを効果的に解決できるようにする一般的なアプローチを紹介します。
我々は、生成世界モデルに対するこのアプローチの 2 つの傾向、つまり位置条件付き (PCP) および潜在条件付き (LCP) のポリシー学習を提案します。
特に、LCP は、目標指定のためにオブジェクトの位置情報を明示的に取得するオブジェクト中心の潜在表現を採用します。


Object manipulation capabilities are essential skills that set apart embodied agents engaging with the world, especially in the realm of robotics. The ability to predict outcomes of interactions with objects is paramount in this setting. While model-based control methods have started to be employed for tackling manipulation tasks, they have faced challenges in accurately manipulating objects. As we analyze the causes of this limitation, we identify the cause of underperformance in the way current world models represent crucial positional information, especially about the target’s goal specification for object positioning tasks. We introduce a general approach that empowers world model-based agents to effectively solve object-positioning tasks. We propose two declinations of this approach for generative world models: position-conditioned (PCP) and latent-conditioned (LCP) policy learning. In particular, LCP employs object-centric latent representations that explicitly capture object positional information for goal specification. This naturally leads to the emergence of multimodal capabilities, enabling the specification of goals through spatial coordinates or a visual goal. Our methods are rigorously evaluated across several manipulation environments, showing favorable performance compared to current model-based control approaches.


著者 Stefano Ferraro,Pietro Mazzaglia,Tim Verbelen,Bart Dhoedt,Sai Rajeswar
発行日 2024-09-19 07:38:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク