Real-Time-Feasible Collision-Free Motion Planning For Ellipsoidal Objects


2 つの楕円体は、楕円体の中心点間のベクトルの端点が楕円体のミンコフスキー和の内部にない場合に限り、重なりません。
結果として得られる衝突回避制約は、最適制御問題 (OCP) に含まれ、分離超平面アプローチと比較して評価されます。
これにより、モデル予測制御 (MPC) を使用した衝突のない動作計画のための新しいリアルタイム スキームが生まれます。


Online planning of collision-free trajectories is a fundamental task for robotics and self-driving car applications. This paper revisits collision avoidance between ellipsoidal objects using differentiable constraints. Two ellipsoids do not overlap if and only if the endpoint of the vector between the center points of the ellipsoids does not lie in the interior of the Minkowski sum of the ellipsoids. This condition is formulated using a parametric over-approximation of the Minkowski sum, which can be made tight in any given direction. The resulting collision avoidance constraint is included in an optimal control problem (OCP) and evaluated in comparison to the separating-hyperplane approach. Not only do we observe that the Minkowski-sum formulation is computationally more efficient in our experiments, but also that using pre-determined over-approximation parameters based on warm-start trajectories leads to a very limited increase in suboptimality. This gives rise to a novel real-time scheme for collision-free motion planning with model predictive control (MPC). Both the real-time feasibility and the effectiveness of the constraint formulation are demonstrated in challenging real-world experiments.


著者 Yunfan Gao,Florian Messerer,Niels van Duijkeren,Boris Houska,Moritz Diehl
発行日 2024-09-18 14:20:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク