Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models: A MAP Estimation Perspective


コンピューター ビジョンでは、修復、ぼやけ除去、超解像度などのいくつかの画像復元タスクを逆問題として形式的にモデル化できます。
ここでは、勾配項が扱いやすい、基礎となる MAP 目的の最適化プロセスとして、連続時間拡散モデルの逆条件付き生成プロセスをモデル化する MAP 推定フレームワークを提案します。


Inverse problems have many applications in science and engineering. In Computer vision, several image restoration tasks such as inpainting, deblurring, and super-resolution can be formally modeled as inverse problems. Recently, methods have been developed for solving inverse problems that only leverage a pre-trained unconditional diffusion model and do not require additional task-specific training. In such methods, however, the inherent intractability of determining the conditional score function during the reverse diffusion process poses a real challenge, leaving the methods to settle with an approximation instead, which affects their performance in practice. Here, we propose a MAP estimation framework to model the reverse conditional generation process of a continuous time diffusion model as an optimization process of the underlying MAP objective, whose gradient term is tractable. In theory, the proposed framework can be applied to solve general inverse problems using gradient-based optimization methods. However, given the highly non-convex nature of the loss objective, finding a perfect gradient-based optimization algorithm can be quite challenging, nevertheless, our framework offers several potential research directions. We use our proposed formulation to develop empirically effective algorithms for image restoration. We validate our proposed algorithms with extensive experiments over multiple datasets across several restoration tasks.


著者 Sai Bharath Chandra Gutha,Ricardo Vinuesa,Hossein Azizpour
発行日 2024-09-18 14:01:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク