Computational Imaging for Long-Term Prediction of Solar Irradiance


雲による太陽の遮蔽は、太陽光発電における不確実性の主な原因の 1 つであり、一次エネルギー源としての太陽光発電の広範な利用に影響を与える要因です。
レイトレーシング シミュレーションと屋外に配置された実際のテストベッドを使用して、このシステムが将来数十分間の日射量だけでなく太陽閉塞も予測できることを示しました。これは、以前の研究に比べて桁違いに改善されています。


The occlusion of the sun by clouds is one of the primary sources of uncertainties in solar power generation, and is a factor that affects the wide-spread use of solar power as a primary energy source. Real-time forecasting of cloud movement and, as a result, solar irradiance is necessary to schedule and allocate energy across grid-connected photovoltaic systems. Previous works monitored cloud movement using wide-angle field of view imagery of the sky. However, such images have poor resolution for clouds that appear near the horizon, which reduces their effectiveness for long term prediction of solar occlusion. Specifically, to be able to predict occlusion of the sun over long time periods, clouds that are near the horizon need to be detected, and their velocities estimated precisely. To enable such a system, we design and deploy a catadioptric system that delivers wide-angle imagery with uniform spatial resolution of the sky over its field of view. To enable prediction over a longer time horizon, we design an algorithm that uses carefully selected spatio-temporal slices of the imagery using estimated wind direction and velocity as inputs. Using ray-tracing simulations as well as a real testbed deployed outdoors, we show that the system is capable of predicting solar occlusion as well as irradiance for tens of minutes in the future, which is an order of magnitude improvement over prior work.


著者 Leron Julian,Haejoon Lee,Soummya Kar,Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
発行日 2024-09-18 14:29:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク