A Unifying Action Principle for Classical Mechanical Systems


この再定式化は、せいぜい位置等価制約に従う、制約のないホロノミック システムに対して成功しました。
速度依存制約または位置不平等制約に従う非ホロノミック システムは、自然界に豊富に存在し、科学、工学、産業に中心的な関連性を持っています。
したがって、我々は、古典力学が変分であるかどうかという 190 年来の疑問を解決し、肯定的に答えました。
新しいアクションの直接的な数値最適化によって 3 つの標準モデルの問題を解決することにより、アプローチを示し、検証します。


The modern theory of classical mechanics, developed by Lagrange, Hamilton and Noether, attempts to cast all of classical motion in the form of an optimization problem, based on an energy functional called the classical action. The most important advantage of this formalism is the ability to manifestly incorporate and exploit symmetries and conservation laws. This reformulation succeeded for unconstrained and holonomic systems that at most obey position equality constraints. Non-holonomic systems, which obey velocity dependent constraints or position inequality constraints, are abundant in nature and of central relevance for science, engineering and industry. All attempts so far to solve non-holonomic dynamics as a classical action optimization problem have failed. Here we utilize the classical limit of a quantum field theory action principle to construct a novel classical action for non-holonomic systems. We therefore put to rest the 190 year old question of whether classical mechanics is variational, answering in the affirmative. We illustrate and validate our approach by solving three canonical model problems by direct numerical optimization of our new action. The formalism developed in this work significantly extends the reach of action principles to a large class of relevant mechanical systems, opening new avenues for their analysis and control both analytically and numerically.


著者 A. Rothkopf,W. A. Horowitz
発行日 2024-09-17 10:44:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, physics.class-ph パーマリンク