The Design of Informative Take-Over Requests for Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems: Combining Spoken Language and Visual Icons in a Drone-Controller Setting


半自動運転中の制御の引き継ぎと人間とロボットの対話に関する文献を基に、抽象的な事前警告と有益な TOR を組み合わせた引き継ぎ要求の設計を提案します。関連するセンサー情報はコントローラーのディスプレイで強調表示されます。
、一方、音声メッセージは TOR の理由を言語化します。
私たちのオンライン研究の目的は、言語ベースの TOR がどのような形式を取るべきかをより詳細に評価することです。
参加者は、バイモーダル TOR を使用すると正しい解決策を選択する精度が向上し、危機的な状況をよりよく認識できるようになったと感じました。


The question of how cyber-physical systems should interact with human partners that can take over control or exert oversight is becoming more pressing, as these systems are deployed for an ever larger range of tasks. Drawing on the literatures on handing over control during semi-autonomous driving and human-robot interaction, we propose a design of a take-over request that combines an abstract pre-alert with an informative TOR: Relevant sensor information is highlighted on the controller’s display, while a spoken message verbalizes the reason for the TOR. We conduct our study in the context of a semi-autonomous drone control scenario as our testbed. The goal of our online study is to assess in more detail what form a language-based TOR should take. Specifically, we compare a full sentence condition to shorter fragments, and test whether the visual highlighting should be done synchronously or asynchronously with the speech. Participants showed a higher accuracy in choosing the correct solution with our bi-modal TOR and felt that they were better able to recognize the critical situation. Using only fragments in the spoken message rather than full sentences did not lead to improved accuracy or faster reactions. Also, synchronizing the visual highlighting with the spoken message did not result in better accuracy and response times were even increased in this condition.


著者 Ashwini Gundappa,Emilia Ellsiepen,Lukas Schmitz,Frederik Wiehr,Vera Demberg
発行日 2024-09-12 17:50:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク