Style Based Clustering of Visual Artworks


芸術作品をクラスタリングするための現在のいくつかの方法は、主にディープ ニューラル ネットワークから導出された一般的な画像特徴表現に依存しており、特に芸術的なスタイルを扱っていません。
私たちはさまざまな方法を開発し、4 つのアートワーク コーパスと 4 つの厳選された合成スタイルのデータセットに適用することにより、定性的および定量的分析を通じてスタイルベースのクラスタリングの相対的な有効性を評価します。


Clustering artworks based on style has many potential real-world applications like art recommendations, style-based search and retrieval, and the study of artistic style evolution in an artwork corpus. However, clustering artworks based on style is largely an unaddressed problem. A few present methods for clustering artworks principally rely on generic image feature representations derived from deep neural networks and do not specifically deal with the artistic style. In this paper, we introduce and deliberate over the notion of style-based clustering of visual artworks. Our main objective is to explore neural feature representations and architectures that can be used for style-based clustering and observe their impact and effectiveness. We develop different methods and assess their relative efficacy for style-based clustering through qualitative and quantitative analysis by applying them to four artwork corpora and four curated synthetically styled datasets. Our analysis provides some key novel insights on architectures, feature representations, and evaluation methods suitable for style-based clustering.


著者 Abhishek Dangeti,Pavan Gajula,Vivek Srivastava,Vikram Jamwal
発行日 2024-09-12 17:44:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, I.4.8 パーマリンク