LLM-POTUS Score: A Framework of Analyzing Presidential Debates with Large Language Models


この論文では、LLM を使用して大統領討論会の成績を評価する新しいアプローチを紹介し、討論会の結果を客観的に評価するという長年の課題に取り組みます。

私たちの手法では、大規模な言語モデルを使用して、3P と 3I の調整に基づくディベートのパフォーマンスの定量的尺度である LLM-POTUS スコアを生成します。


Large language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in natural language processing, yet their application to political discourse analysis remains underexplored. This paper introduces a novel approach to evaluating presidential debate performances using LLMs, addressing the longstanding challenge of objectively assessing debate outcomes. We propose a framework that analyzes candidates’ ‘Policies, Persona, and Perspective’ (3P) and how they resonate with the ‘Interests, Ideologies, and Identity’ (3I) of four key audience groups: voters, businesses, donors, and politicians. Our method employs large language models to generate the LLM-POTUS Score, a quantitative measure of debate performance based on the alignment between 3P and 3I. We apply this framework to analyze transcripts from recent U.S. presidential debates, demonstrating its ability to provide nuanced, multi-dimensional assessments of candidate performances. Our results reveal insights into the effectiveness of different debating strategies and their impact on various audience segments. This study not only offers a new tool for political analysis but also explores the potential and limitations of using LLMs as impartial judges in complex social contexts. In addition, this framework provides individual citizens with an independent tool to evaluate presidential debate performances, which enhances democratic engagement and reduces reliance on potentially biased media interpretations and institutional influence, thereby strengthening the foundation of informed civic participation.


著者 Zhengliang Liu,Yiwei Li,Oleksandra Zolotarevych,Rongwei Yang,Tianming Liu
発行日 2024-09-12 15:40:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク