Evaluating Metrics for Bias in Word Embeddings


ここ数年で、単語と文の埋め込みは、あらゆる種類の NLP タスクのテキスト前処理として確立され、パフォーマンスが大幅に向上しました。
残念ながら、これらの埋め込みはトレーニング データからさまざまな種類のバイアスを継承し、それによって社会に存在するバイアスを NLP ソリューションに伝えることも示されています。
最後に、既存のメトリクスの欠点に対処し、SAME が適切に動作することを数学的に証明するために、新しいメトリクス SAME を提案します。


Over the last years, word and sentence embeddings have established as text preprocessing for all kinds of NLP tasks and improved the performances significantly. Unfortunately, it has also been shown that these embeddings inherit various kinds of biases from the training data and thereby pass on biases present in society to NLP solutions. Many papers attempted to quantify bias in word or sentence embeddings to evaluate debiasing methods or compare different embedding models, usually with cosine-based metrics. However, lately some works have raised doubts about these metrics showing that even though such metrics report low biases, other tests still show biases. In fact, there is a great variety of bias metrics or tests proposed in the literature without any consensus on the optimal solutions. Yet we lack works that evaluate bias metrics on a theoretical level or elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of different bias metrics. In this work, we will explore different cosine based bias metrics. We formalize a bias definition based on the ideas from previous works and derive conditions for bias metrics. Furthermore, we thoroughly investigate the existing cosine-based metrics and their limitations to show why these metrics can fail to report biases in some cases. Finally, we propose a new metric, SAME, to address the shortcomings of existing metrics and mathematically prove that SAME behaves appropriately.


著者 Sarah Schröder,Alexander Schulz,Philip Kenneweg,Robert Feldhans,Fabian Hinder,Barbara Hammer
発行日 2024-09-12 08:04:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク