Electrokinetic Propulsion for Electronically Integrated Microscopic Robots


ここでは、リソグラフィー処理の単一ステップで構築でき、低電流/低電圧動作 (1V、10nA) のおかげでマイクロエレクトロニクスと容易に統合でき、1 を超える速度で泳ぐロボットを生み出す、電子的に統合されたマイクロロボット用の推進システムを紹介します。


Robots too small to see by eye have rapidly evolved in recent years thanks to the incorporation of on-board microelectronics. Semiconductor circuits have been used in microrobots capable of executing controlled wireless steering, prescribed legged gait patterns, and user-triggered transitions between digital states. Yet these promising new capabilities have come at the steep price of complicated fabrication. Even though circuit components can be reliably built by semiconductor foundries, currently available actuators for electronically integrated microrobots are built with intricate multi-step cleanroom protocols and use mechanisms like articulated legs or bubble generators that are hard to design and control. Here, we present a propulsion system for electronically integrated microrobots that can be built with a single step of lithographic processing, readily integrates with microelectronics thanks to low current/low voltage operation (1V, 10nA), and yields robots that swim at speeds over one body length per second. Inspired by work on micromotors, these robots generate electric fields in a surrounding fluid, and by extension propulsive electrokinetic flows. The underlying physics is captured by a model in which robot speed is proportional to applied current, making design and control straightforward. As proof, we build basic robots that use on-board circuits and a closed-loop optical control scheme to navigate waypoints and move in coordinated swarms. Broadly, solid-state propulsion clears the way for robust, easy to manufacture, electronically controlled microrobots that operate reliably over months to years.


著者 Lucas C. Hanson,William H. Reinhardt,Scott Shrager,Tarunyaa Sivakumar,Marc Z. Miskin
発行日 2024-09-11 14:22:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク