Bifurcation Identification for Ultrasound-driven Robotic Cannulation


これは主に、信頼できるモデルのトレーニングと検証に必要なグラウンド トゥルース データ、特に生きた被験者からのデータの入手が限られていることが原因です。
血管分岐を識別し、自律ロボットカニューレ挿入システムに最適な針挿入部位を提供する新しいアルゴリズムである BIFURC (超音波駆動ロボットカニューレ挿入用分岐識別) を紹介します。
BIFURC は、専門知識と深層学習技術を統合して、大腿部内の血管分岐を効率的に検出し、限られた量の生体内データでトレーニングできます。
すべてのケースにおいて、BIFURC は専門の臨床医によって特定されたものと一致する分岐点と針挿入位置を一貫して特定しました。


In trauma and critical care settings, rapid and precise intravascular access is key to patients’ survival. Our research aims at ensuring this access, even when skilled medical personnel are not readily available. Vessel bifurcations are anatomical landmarks that can guide the safe placement of catheters or needles during medical procedures. Although ultrasound is advantageous in navigating anatomical landmarks in emergency scenarios due to its portability and safety, to our knowledge no existing algorithm can autonomously extract vessel bifurcations using ultrasound images. This is primarily due to the limited availability of ground truth data, in particular, data from live subjects, needed for training and validating reliable models. Researchers often resort to using data from anatomical phantoms or simulations. We introduce BIFURC, Bifurcation Identification for Ultrasound-driven Robot Cannulation, a novel algorithm that identifies vessel bifurcations and provides optimal needle insertion sites for an autonomous robotic cannulation system. BIFURC integrates expert knowledge with deep learning techniques to efficiently detect vessel bifurcations within the femoral region and can be trained on a limited amount of in-vivo data. We evaluated our algorithm using a medical phantom as well as real-world experiments involving live pigs. In all cases, BIFURC consistently identified bifurcation points and needle insertion locations in alignment with those identified by expert clinicians.


著者 Cecilia G. Morales,Dhruv Srikanth,Jack H. Good,Keith A. Dufendach,Artur Dubrawski
発行日 2024-09-10 18:53:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク