Mathematical Modeling Of Four Finger Robotic Grippers


これは、各指に 3 つの自由度があり、合計 11 自由度を持つ腱駆動グリッパーです。
すべての指と親指には 1 つの自由度があります。
この製品の製造には、5083 ファミリのアルミニウムが使用されました。
グリップ力は調整可能です。4 本指ロボットグリッパーとその親指の数学モデルを開発することで、運動学、力、および動的解析を行いました。
角度位置の動きによる X と Y の変位の制御に焦点を当て、4 本の指と親指の力の分析により、質量を伴って動かすのに必要な最大重量、力、およびトルクを計算します。
250 N までは線形挙動を示し、それを超えると非線形挙動を示す力 – 変位グラフを描きます。


Robotic grippers are the end effector in the robot system of handling any task which used for performing various operations for the purpose of industrial application and hazardous tasks.In this paper, we developed the mathematical model for multi fingers robotics grippers. we are concerned with Jamia’shand which is developed in Robotics Lab, Mechanical Engineering Deptt, Faculty of Engg & Technolgy, Jamia Millia Islamia, India. This is a tendon-driven gripper each finger having three DOF having a total of 11 DOF. The term tendon is widely used to imply belts, cables, or similar types of applications. It is made up of three fingers and a thumb. Every finger and thumb has one degree of freedom. The power transmission mechanism is a rope and pulley system. Both hands have similar structures. Aluminum from the 5083 families was used to make this product. The gripping force can be adjusted we have done the kinematics, force, and dynamic analysis by developing a Mathematical model for the four-finger robotics grippers and their thumb. we focused it control motions in X and Y Displacements with the angular positions movements and we make the force analysis of the four fingers and thumb calculate the maximum weight, force, and torque required to move it with mass. Draw the force -displacements graph which shows the linear behavior up to 250 N and shows nonlinear behavior beyond this. and required Dmin of wire is 0.86 mm for grasping the maximum 1 kg load also developed the dynamic model (using energy )approach lagrangian method to find it torque required to move the fingers.


著者 Sajjad Hussain,M. Suhaib
発行日 2024-09-10 11:00:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク