Resilient Fleet Management for Energy-Aware Intra-Factory Logistics


この論文では、自律型製造施設で工場内物流を担当するバッテリー駆動のロボット フリートのための新しいフリート管理戦略を紹介します。
計算コストを克服するために、タスク割り当てにモンテカルロ ツリー検索アルゴリズムを使用して名目上の問題をアプリオリに解決し、名目上の検索ツリーを生成する 2 段階の方法論が提案されています。


This paper presents a novel fleet management strategy for battery-powered robot fleets tasked with intra-factory logistics in an autonomous manufacturing facility. In this environment, repetitive material handling operations are subject to real-world uncertainties such as blocked passages, and equipment or robot malfunctions. In such cases, centralized approaches enhance resilience by immediately adjusting the task allocation between the robots. To overcome the computational expense, a two-step methodology is proposed where the nominal problem is solved a priori using a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm for task allocation, resulting in a nominal search tree. When a disruption occurs, the nominal search tree is rapidly updated a posteriori with costs to the new problem while simultaneously generating feasible solutions. Computational experiments prove the real-time capability of the proposed algorithm for various scenarios and compare it with the case where the search tree is not used and the decentralized approach that does not attempt task reassignment.


著者 Mithun Goutham,Stephanie Stockar
発行日 2024-09-08 22:58:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.MA, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク