Upper-Limb Rehabilitation with a Dual-Mode Individualized Exoskeleton Robot: A Generative-Model-Based Solution


この生成機能は、上肢外骨格ロボットの 2 つの動作モードに統合されています。1 つは体の片側の運動能力を保持している患者向けのアクティブ ミラーリング モードで、もう 1 つは体の両側の運動能力が欠如している患者向けのパッシブ フォロー モードです。


Several upper-limb exoskeleton robots have been developed for stroke rehabilitation, but their rather low level of individualized assistance typically limits their effectiveness and practicability. Individualized assistance involves an upper-limb exoskeleton robot continuously assessing feedback from a stroke patient and then meticulously adjusting interaction forces to suit specific conditions and online changes. This paper describes the development of a new upper-limb exoskeleton robot with a novel online generative capability that allows it to provide individualized assistance to support the rehabilitation training of stroke patients. Specifically, the upper-limb exoskeleton robot exploits generative models to customize the fine and fit trajectory for the patient, as medical conditions, responses, and comfort feedback during training generally differ between patients. This generative capability is integrated into the two working modes of the upper-limb exoskeleton robot: an active mirroring mode for patients who retain motor abilities on one side of the body and a passive following mode for patients who lack motor ability on both sides of the body. The performance of the upper-limb exoskeleton robot was illustrated in experiments involving healthy subjects and stroke patients.


著者 Yu Chen,Shu Miao,Jing Ye,Gong Chen,Jianghua Cheng,Ketao Du,Xiang Li
発行日 2024-09-05 02:33:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク