Reprogrammable sequencing for physically intelligent under-actuated robots


私たちのアプローチを紹介するために、迷路を自律的に移動し、障害物から遠ざかることができる 4 自由度のロボットを構築します。
注目すべきことに、このロボットは従来の計算アーキテクチャに依存せずに動作し、単一のリニア アクチュエータのみを利用します。


Programming physical intelligence into mechanisms holds great promise for machines that can accomplish tasks such as navigation of unstructured environments while utilizing a minimal amount of computational resources and electronic components. In this study, we introduce a novel design approach for physically intelligent under-actuated mechanisms capable of autonomously adjusting their motion in response to environmental interactions. Specifically, multistability is harnessed to sequence the motion of different degrees of freedom in a programmed order. A key aspect of this approach is that these sequences can be passively reprogrammed through mechanical stimuli that arise from interactions with the environment. To showcase our approach, we construct a four degree of freedom robot capable of autonomously navigating mazes and moving away from obstacles. Remarkably, this robot operates without relying on traditional computational architectures and utilizes only a single linear actuator.


著者 Leon M. Kamp,Mohamed Zanaty,Ahmad Zareei,Benjamin Gorissen,Robert J. Wood,Katia Bertoldi
発行日 2024-09-05 17:50:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.other, cs.RO パーマリンク