How to Train your Antivirus: RL-based Hardening through the Problem-Space


動的分析レポートでの ML ベースのマルウェア検出は、回避と偽の相関の両方に対して脆弱です。
この研究では、敵対的なマルウェアに対して強化することを目的として、広く知られた商用ウイルス対策会社のパイプラインで採用されている特定の ML アーキテクチャを調査します。
私たちの経験的な調査により、敵対的な再トレーニングを数回繰り返した後でも一貫して攻撃成功率 0% に到達できるという理論的な洞察が検証されています。


ML-based malware detection on dynamic analysis reports is vulnerable to both evasion and spurious correlations. In this work, we investigate a specific ML architecture employed in the pipeline of a widely-known commercial antivirus company, with the goal to harden it against adversarial malware. Adversarial training, the sole defensive technique that can confer empirical robustness, is not applicable out of the box in this domain, for the principal reason that gradient-based perturbations rarely map back to feasible problem-space programs. We introduce a novel Reinforcement Learning approach for constructing adversarial examples, a constituent part of adversarially training a model against evasion. Our approach comes with multiple advantages. It performs modifications that are feasible in the problem-space, and only those; thus it circumvents the inverse mapping problem. It also makes possible to provide theoretical guarantees on the robustness of the model against a particular set of adversarial capabilities. Our empirical exploration validates our theoretical insights, where we can consistently reach 0% Attack Success Rate after a few adversarial retraining iterations.


著者 Ilias Tsingenopoulos,Jacopo Cortellazzi,Branislav Bošanský,Simone Aonzo,Davy Preuveneers,Wouter Joosen,Fabio Pierazzi,Lorenzo Cavallaro
発行日 2024-09-05 17:07:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR パーマリンク