F3T: A soft tactile unit with 3D force and temperature mathematical decoupling ability for robots


この研究では、垂直圧力、全方向接線力、および温度の分離測定と数学的分離を実現するように設計された多層ソフトセンサーユニット (F3T) を提案します。


The human skin exhibits remarkable capability to perceive contact forces and environmental temperatures, providing intricate information essential for nuanced manipulation. Despite recent advancements in soft tactile sensors, a significant challenge remains in accurately decoupling signals – specifically, separating force from directional orientation and temperature – resulting in fail to meet the advanced application requirements of robots. This research proposes a multi-layered soft sensor unit (F3T) designed to achieve isolated measurements and mathematical decoupling of normal pressure, omnidirectional tangential forces, and temperature. We developed a circular coaxial magnetic film featuring a floating-mountain multi-layer capacitor, facilitating the physical decoupling of normal and tangential forces in all directions. Additionally, we incorporated an ion gel-based temperature sensing film atop the tactile sensor. This sensor is resilient to external pressure and deformation, enabling it to measure temperature and, crucially, eliminate capacitor errors induced by environmental temperature changes. This innovative design allows for the decoupled measurement of multiple signals, paving the way for advancements in higher-level robot motion control, autonomous decision-making, and task planning.


著者 Xiong Yang,Hao Ren,Dong Guo,Zhengrong Ling,Tieshan Zhang,Gen Li,Yifeng Tang,Haoxiang Zhao,Jiale Wang,Hongyuan Chang,Jia Dong,Yajing Shen
発行日 2024-09-05 11:09:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク