Wasserstein multivariate auto-regressive models for modeling distributional time series


これらの時間依存確率尺度を Wasserstein 空間内のランダム オブジェクトとしてモデル化することにより、多変量分布時系列の統計分析のための新しい自己回帰モデルを提案します。


This paper is focused on the statistical analysis of data consisting of a collection of multiple series of probability measures that are indexed by distinct time instants and supported over a bounded interval of the real line. By modeling these time-dependent probability measures as random objects in the Wasserstein space, we propose a new auto-regressive model for the statistical analysis of multivariate distributional time series. Using the theory of iterated random function systems, results on the existence, uniqueness and stationarity of the solution of such a model are provided. We also propose a consistent estimator for the auto-regressive coefficients of this model. Due to the simplex constraints that we impose on the model coefficients, the proposed estimator that is learned under these constraints, naturally has a sparse structure. The sparsity allows the application of the proposed model in learning a graph of temporal dependency from multivariate distributional time series. We explore the numerical performances of our estimation procedure using simulated data. To shed some light on the benefits of our approach for real data analysis, we also apply this methodology to a data set made of observations from age distribution in different countries.


著者 Yiye Jiang,Jérémie Bigot
発行日 2024-08-30 14:11:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク